World Obesity day


Thu, 10/24/2024 - 11:42


World Obesity day

World Obesity day was celebrated at SMVDIME kakyral today. Obesity Day tries to raise awareness about this medical condition. The theme for this year's campaign is "Let's Talk About Obesity And..." this theme emphasizes to encourage people to start conversations that address obesity from a cross-cutting perspective. The idea is to look at health, youth, and the world as a whole in order to find ways to combat obesity together. The event included lecture from Dr. Roopali Sharma, senior dietitian, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics SMVDNSH , Kakryal. The event was graced by the presence of dignitaries Dr. Yashpal Sharma, executive director SMVDIME, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Runyal, Medical superintendent, Mr. MM Mathavan, facility director.

An awareness campaign bearing theme “World Obesity day was celebrated at SMVDIME kakyral today..Read More

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